Contractor's Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance (CAR)

This insurance covers the damage caused to third parties and customers due to the carried out works or works under construction or reconstruction. The Contractor must insure its civil liability separately for each building under construction that has been contracted out.

Insurance Cover


Recommended for

indemnifies the contractor for damage caused to third parties with regards to the construction works that are being performed (completed works) during the validity of the insurance contract and for a period determined by the parties which may not be less than two years;

the insurance contract also covers the civil liability of the subcontractors;

non-pecuniary damage can be insured.

submitting an object for the State Commission, this insurance cover is required pursuant to the construction completion procedure under Construction Technical Regulations STR;

provides protection against third-party claims against the company.

it is mandatory to take this type of insurance cover for natural or legal persons constructing buildings;

contractor is not obliged to insure its civil liability when constructing buildings of simple design and performing maintenance works of the building;

the coverage of legal and natural persons carrying out construction work by themselves is optional as well.

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