Cyber Insurance
Every company which has set up a computer network can become a victim of hackers attack. Crime includes offenses such as data theft, blocked websites, damage or destruction of the computer system, data blocking, and ransom demand.
Technological processes and equipment can be undermined by centralized supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA).
In cases where cyber criminals manage to breach the security of a computer system, the insurance would mitigate financial losses.
Cyber insurance (also known as cyber liability insurance or cyber security insurance) is designed to protect businesses against the financial loss resulting from a range of cyber threats and exposures, including cybercrime, data breach and system interruption.
Cyber insurance mainly protects businesses against business interruption, liability claims and financial losses caused by cyber events, cybercrime and privacy breaches what may lead to GDPR claims.
It will also provide access to technical resources including IT security experts, forensic investigators, lawyers and crisis communications specialists who will help you manage the situation and get back operational and online as quickly as possible.
Insurance Cover
Recommended for
computer systems and data recovery costs;
network security and privacy liability;
liability as a result of damages to third parties when the policyholder is liable for disclosure of personal data or data loss as result of data breach;
penalties, fines imposed by public authorities for violation of data protection, including regulatory GDPR claims;
cyber incident response and management costs;
legal and regulatory costs;
IT Security and forensic costs;
privacy breach management costs;
cyber crime including theft of financial assets, funds in escrow, personal financial assets, extorsion, payment fraud;
system damage and business interruption;
optional hardware replacement costs;
company reputation recovery costs.
protection of business against unexpected financial loss;
protection of business against business interruption, network security (incl data breach) and system damages as wells as liability due to cyber event;
in the event of an incident the Insurer allocates qualified resources to manage the critical situation and help investigate the incident;
provide technical expertise and real time support of IT experts to help mitigate incident and loss.
companies that process or manage massive amounts of their own or third party data electronically;
IT development & technology companies;
manufacturers with SCADA Management or significant IT processes involvement;
transport and logistics;
retail and online retailers;
financial institutions;
fintech & insurtech;
healthcare (patient data & bookings);
professional services (designers, recruiters, lawyers, accountants, auditors, engineers etc.);
marketing agencies (social media managers, copywriters).